Italian Cinema Online Event
Dive into the fascinating world of Italian Cinema.
From home
It’s an online event, so you can attend from the comfort of your home.
Popcorn ready
No queues, no expensive combos, choose your snacks and get them ready.
Oscar™ Awards
Learn about award-winning Italian directors and watch their masterpieces.
Your Lecturer
Federica Giovannelli
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome, also in the role of thesis supervisor (o advisor) and co-supervisor (o co-advisor).
- Organizer, coordinator and speaker in workshops and seminars on Cinema and Visual Culture. Editor of essay collections and monographs.
- Author and co-author of writings on Film History and Theory published in books and journals, as well as numerous translations from English into Italian that appeared in various anthologies.
- Expert in blended learning techniques aimed at supporting students in their path to active learning.
- November 2012: Bulzoni, “Imago 5”, La configurazione del soggetto nel cinema, curated by Paolo Bertetto and Giulia Fanara, Femme Maison
- May 2005: Bulzoni, Frontiers. Cinema and identity narratives. Nation, sex, gender, race between tradition and translation
- February 2004: Liguori, The heretics and the erotics. Women, ideas, cinema, with Giulia Fanara.
Journey through history
Learn about the various phases of the Italian Cinema through history.
It’s a fun event. Let’s order takeouts during the sessions and make it a fuller experience.
Your ticket
The event’s price is R 900 per family (per connection) for 10 sessions. This means that you can share the event with your loved ones at no extra cost. Check the Programme.
Italian Cinema Event Programme
Price and time
The price for the event is R 900 per family (per connection)
The event will take place online on Wednesdays from 19:00 to 20:00
Duration: 10 sessions
Event dates: 28 September – 30 November
You can apply at any time.
The Movies in the Event (in 10 sessions)
1) Neorealism – A triumphant evolution of the language of cinema
2) Neorealism Proper
Ladri di biciclette (Bicycle Thieves)
Vittorio De Sica, 1948
La terra trema (The earth trembles)
Luchino Visconti, 1948
3) Bellissime – Anna Magnani, Silvana Mangano, Sophia Loren
4) Extending the frontiers of Neorealism
Viaggio in Italia (Journey to Italy)
Roberto Rossellini, 1954
La strada (The road)
Federico Fellini, 1954
5) The mature authors: Antonioni and Fellini
6) La commedia all’italiana – Comedy Italian style
I soliti ignoti (Big deal on Madonna street)
Mario Monicelli, 1958
Il sorpasso (The easy life)
Dino Risi, 1962
7) Sergio Leone and the Spaghetti Western
Per un pugno di dollari (A fistful of dollars)
Sergio Leone, 1964
C’era una volta il West (Once upon a time in the West)
Sergio Leone, 1968
8) Nostalgia for the past
9) The Eighties – The Personal and the Political
10) The new aestheticism
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Event Price and Time
The price for the event is R 900 per family (per connection)
The event will take place online on Wednesdays from 19:00 to 20:00
Duration: 10 sessions
Event dates: 28 September – 30 November
You can apply at any time.